"Carmel Teaches the Church how to Pray." - Pope Francis

To Focus on Vocations | New vocations to Carmel are the foundation of our Provincial future; therefore, we commit ourselves to:

To Enhance the Fraternal Integration of All Carmelites of Our Province | As the men of the PCM Province minister in the United States, Canada, Peru, Mexico, and El Salvador, we will work toward the integration of all the national groupings that form our provincial identity.  Therefore, we commit ourselves to:

To Revitalize our Community Life | We recognize that the aging of the Province, the low numbers of U.S. and Canadian vocations, the Provincial withdrawals from many of our ministries, the impact of the sexual abuse crisis, and the diversity of ages and cultural backgrounds of the men of the Province have all impacted our communal reality.  Therefore, we commit ourselves to:

To Advance Ecological Stewardship | We are very much aware of a number of critical global environmental issues, most importantly the immediate impact of climate change, and the disparity of resource consumption among the family of nations.  Therefore, we commit ourselves to:

To Promote Carmelite Spirituality | The life of every Carmelite is at the service of our Carmelite charism.  This charism, first embodied in the 800 year old Rule of St. Albert, has been developed and advanced through the centuries.  Our Carmelite spirituality expressed through the writings of various Carmelite saints and Doctors of the Church, is a great gift to the universal Church.  Therefore, we commit ourselves to: 


