The Carmelite Institute of North America held its 2024 Symposium – From St. Thérèse to St. Titus Brandsma: Lessons for the 21st Century – at Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., in July of 2024. It was a wonderful event with many interesting and informative speakers and presentations – ALL of which are now live and available at on the CINA website.
Fr. Miċéal O’Neill, O.Carm.
Prior General
Overview for future 21st Century
Fr. Miguel Márquez Calle, OCD
Superior General
Overview for future 21st Century
Religious Freedom – followed by Panel Discussion
Presenter: Fr. Nicholas Blackwell, O.Carm.
St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
Presenter: Most Reverend John O. Barres, S.T.D., J.C.L., D.D.
Bishop of Rockville Centre
St. Thérèse of Lisieux
Presenter: Very Reverend Daniel Chowning, OCD
Provincial, Washington Province of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Edith Stein – followed by Panel Discussion
Presenter: Dianne Traflet
St. Titus Brandsma
Presenter: Fr. Craig Morrison, O.Carm.
Presenter: Barbara Hughes, OCDS