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Laudato Si’
Today, February 2, is the world day of prayer for consecrated life. We humbly ask that you pray for our Carmelite family and for those young men who have heard God’s call and are seeking the holy, Carmelite Way of life.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us.
#carmelites #carmelitespirituality #carmelitesisters #carmelitefriars #carmelitefamily

Today, February 2, is the world day of prayer for consecrated life. We humbly ask that you pray for our Carmelite family and for those young men who have heard God’s call and are seeking the holy, Carmelite Way of life.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us.
#carmelites #carmelitespirituality #carmelitesisters #carmelitefriars #carmelitefamily